Chaos Theory: Unravelling the Complex Dynamics of Nature

First Published: Aug. 21, 2024, 12:12 p.m.
Last Modified: Aug. 21, 2024, 12:16 p.m.
6 minute read
Category: Science

Chaos theory, a fascinating area of study in physics and mathematics, examines systems that seem chaotic or unpredictable but are actually subject to deterministic laws. This counterintuitive idea transforms how we perceive complexity and predictability by illuminating concealed structures that underlie natural phenomena.

Chaos theory originated in the late 19th century with the pioneering work of French mathematician Henri Poincaré. While studying the three-body problem in celestial mechanics, Poincaré discovered that small differences in initial conditions could lead to significantly different outcomes. However, it wasn’t until 1963 that a meteorologist called “Edward Lorenz” stumbled on chaos by accident when placing his 12 values for his simulation of atmospheric conditions into a computer. The computer naturally rounded the values to six decimal places. This very slight change in initial values ended up producing a completely different result for the prediction of atmospheric conditions than that of the original values.

Although no universally accepted mathematical definition of chaos exists, a commonly used definition, originally formulated by Robert L. Devaney, says that to classify a dynamical system as chaotic, it must have the following three properties: be sensitive to initial conditions as mentioned earlier, be topologically transitive and have a dense periodic orbit. The term 'topologically transitive' refers to a set of points in a dynamical system that will move under iteration from one arbitrarily small open set of points to any other set of points. Essentially, this causes no points in a 3D dynamical system to touch. A dense periodic orbit is a periodic orbit where, for any point in space, you can find points on the orbit arbitrarily close to it.


To truly understand chaos and how to model it, we have to know more about dynamical systems. Dynamical systems lie in phase space. A phase space is a geometrical way of representing a dynamic system. Each point of the space is a unique state of the system and has its own rate of change, which can be shown as a vector. If you scatter a bunch of points around (which represent different positions or states), you will notice that as they evolve and move around, they all spiral towards a centre. This is due to an attractor - something that attracts all trajectories in the area surrounding it.

After Lorenz's initial experiment, he decided to narrow down his simulations to simply three variables. The simplified model expresses convection cycles in the atmosphere (which is commonly known as the Lorenz system) and is almost synonymous with the butterfly effect, with the model even resembling a butterfly (keep in mind that no points are revisited in this model, hence there is no overlap; otherwise, it would travel in a predictable loop; when no points are revisited, it is called a fractal attractor). This example of a fractal attractor is known as the Lorenz attractor, which is a dynamical system that involves one or more variables that change over time according to autonomous differential equations. These are the differential equations that show the simplified model of the convection cycles mentioned earlier, where x, y and z represent the system state and sigma, rho and beta are parameters.


If you highlight two trajectories on the Lorenz attractor that are initially a very small distance apart, the distance apart increases exponentially. After a time t, the equation for the resulting distance is:



(Where lambda stands for the Lyapunov exponent, and if it is positive, any distance will increase exponentially; if it is equal to zero, then the distance stays the same; and if it is negative, then the distance will converge to zero.)

The Lyapunov exponent is calculated by looking at many trajectories and finding the average rate of change in their system. If it is greater than zero, the attractor is chaotic. For the Lorenz attractor, which is a chaotic system, it is about 0.9.
We can find out even more with this equation. If we rearrange the equation, we can find something called the predictability horizon, where d0 = initial error and a = maximum error willing to allow


This equation represents an estimate for the duration for which predictions are valid.

With this discovery, we found that long-term predictions were basically as good as guesses. Instead, we have to think of predictions a little differently. Imagine standing on a bridge covered in fog. You can only look so far into the fog; it slowly becomes difficult to make out the view in front of you or behind you until you can’t see anything at all. The view in front represents how far you can predict the future, often used in weather forecasting (which is why weather predictions are valid for about a week). The view behind represents the past and is often used to try and pinpoint the initial conditions.

Chaos has profound implications across a wide range of fields, from meteorology and engineering to economics and biology. The autonomous differential equations found earlier are used in the cosmos to predict the movement of moons and comets such as Hyperion, a moon that has a precise and regular orbit around Saturn but which tumbles over itself in a complex and irregular pattern. Using differential equations and its given position and velocity at one point, we calculate its position and velocity at the next point, and so on. In engineering, chaos theory informs the design of systems that must operate reliably under unpredictable conditions. In biology, another example of chaos is fractals. Fractals are self-similar patterns that appear at different scales, meaning they look similar regardless of the level of magnification. These intricate structures are prevalent in nature, such as in the branching patterns of trees, the structure of snowflakes, and the jaggedness of coastlines. Fractals are a key concept in chaos theory because they illustrate how complex patterns can emerge from simple, repetitive processes. Even in philosophy, chaos theory challenges deterministic views of the universe and suggests a complex interplay between order and disorder, promoting a more complex understanding of reality by acknowledging that seeming randomness can mask underlying structure and order.
Chaos theory expresses the fact that with seemingly random and complex systems, there is a hidden deterministic behaviour. This intricate interplay between determinism, sensitivity to initial conditions, and non-linearity provides us with profound insights into the unpredictable yet structured nature of the world and universe around us. As we see its application in so many different fields, we get a deeper appreciation of its delicate balance between order and disorder, which shapes our universe. This new-found understanding not only expands our scientific knowledge but also influences how we interpret and approach complexities in this world, highlighting the beauty and intricacy of the systems that govern our lives.

Article Written By: Christoph H.

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